Contact Us

We’d love to talk to you about our wines, wine making and especially the wine tasting. Or if you are looking for the perfect location for your special event we can certainly help you plan the event of your dreams!

Wolf Gap Vineyard

Tasting Room Hours:

Open 7 Days a week from 12-6 pm

Always open till 9 on First Friday

To Schedule:
Call 813-569-9619

Visit Us

Located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of central Virginia and an easy day trip from Richmond, Washington, DC and Baltimore. 

We are only about an hour and a half West of the National Capital area. Take I-66 W to I-81 then S on I-81 to Edinburg, exit 279. From Edinburg, follow directions below. Do NOT rely on your GPS to navigate these backroads as it may take you the shortest way, not the best way. Follow the directions below or find us on Google Maps.
Look for little white signs with black wolf guiding you to Wolf Gap Vineyard. Do not go to Wolf Gap, a pass in the Great North mountains.

From Edinburg: (I-81, exit 279) Go West on Stoney Creek Road (Rt 675) 2 miles, turn L on Wakemans Grove Rd, go 2 miles, turn L on Cave Ridge road, go 1 mile, turn L on Headquarters Road, go 1 mile, turn L on Stout road (Route 706), go 200 yards, turn L into driveway at 123 Stout Road. Proceed to winery straight ahead to unwind.

From Mount Jackson: If you are arriving from the South, take I-81N to Mt Jackson (exit 273), then turn L onto Mount Jackson Road (Rt 703) go 1 mile, turn R on South Middle Rd, go 2 miles, turn L on Headquarters Road, go 2 miles, turn R on Stout Road (Route 706), go 200 yards, turn L into Wolf Gap Vineyard driveway at 123 Stout Road. Proceed to Winery straight ahead to unwind.